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A website mostly about Mac stuff, written by Gus Mueller. Mac developers have never had access to TestFlight, either internally or externally. Which sucks for both the developer and the customer. Manton Goes Full Time Indie.
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Contact Privacy Inc. Customer 0135842744
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Undar vad de är i dom där pillren egentligen? Oj, jisses. De var ett tag sen jag skrev nu. Men de har inte hänt något särskilt i mitt liv. Har börjat ta några piller för att öka fettförbränningen, och sötsuget. Så jag känner mig lite konstig, vet inte om de är bra eller dåligt. Känner mig deprimerad och energisk på samma gång. Fast de deppiga kan bero på att jag sovit så jääkla dålig i typ en vecka nu. Kan de vara för att jag bara jobbade tre timmar förra veckan? Jaja, de löser sig nog? Det kanske man in.
An attempt to document my life,interests and work in some shape. Wednesday, 2 February 2011. Posted by Lixo at Wednesday, February 02, 2011. Monday, 24 January 2011. Posted by Lixo at Monday, January 24, 2011. Posted by Lixo at Monday, January 24, 2011. Posted by Lixo at Monday, January 24, 2011. Posted by Lixo at Monday, January 24, 2011. Posted by Lixo at Monday, January 24, 2011. Sunday, 23 January 2011. Posted by Lixo at Sunday, January 23, 2011. Posted by Lixo at Sunday, January 23, 2011.
Be the change you want to see in the world. Saturday, January 5, 2013. Easier and more fun for me to do, less time consuming, and I still get to tell all about my life.
Wirtualny spacer to wirtualna prezentacja obiektu lub przestrzeni w perspektywie 360 stopni. Daje możliwość poruszania się w dowolnym kierunku i przybliżania szczegółów. Dzięki temu będzie nam się wydawało, że fizycznie znajdujemy się w oglądanym miejscu i jesteśmy wręcz zanurzeni w obrazie. Google Street View to techno.
Investing in the Jewish Future. The Mayberg Foundation invests in organizations and initiatives with bold ideas to inspire, educate, and strengthen Jewish community.